


MARCH 2024

Shearwater is a global strategic consultancy who specialise in communications. Shearwater needed a website redesign and development that would provide them with a refreshed visual identity to grow and share their work.

After conducting competitor and market analysis we designed a custom website to help Shearwater stand out in their market. Implementing strategic SEO and designing an aesthetic yet professional site, Shearwater’s new website design provides them with a user-friendly platform to showcase who they are, their core aims and to share their latest work in the field.

The redesigned ‘Insights’ section provides an area for them to showcase their latest news, findings and reports. This section is designed to be easy to use in the CMS so they can manage uploads easily in-house.

The website was custom designed using Adobe XD and built with WordPress.


In their website design we used their existing brand identity but developed the application of this to a more modern look with bolder use of typography and colour, we also explore image use and tone of voice as part of the project. All of these elements have then be taken forward to make up their full branding identity and used across their reports and print materials.

View the Shearwater website.